Course Organization

Prior Study: The course is built on prior learning in earlier courses (505, 520, 530): issues in incarnational Leadership; Leadership in multiple phases of life; development of apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic and diaconal (630) Leadership in emerging churches; identification and development of personal spiritual Leadership gifts; relationship of poverty to Leadership emergence; women and family issues in Leadership.

Theory of Movement Leadership: These are in the context of church growth theories (McGavran), and anthropological studies on charisma (Weberian school), educational theses (Frierian school), Alinsky et al on community organisation, Maslow et al on psychological implications of hierarchies of needs on urban poor Leadership emergence etc. These theories will be examined from urban poor leaders case studies. Anthropological church growth elements (Hiebert) include processes of multiplying ministries through the training of spiritually gifted believers among the poor; development of apostolic and prophetic Leadership; cell multiplication (Neighbour, DAWN); web movements (Tippett), people movements (McGavran); revitalization (Wallace) and revival movements (Snyder, Grigg); patterns of urban poor church growth; cultural roles and movements (Gerlach & Hine); multiple ethnic styles of Leadership and decision-making, contrasting cultural styles between urban managerial styles and Lowland peasant/tribal consensus based Leadership styles (after Lynch); inside and outside Leadership styles; diffusion of innovations (Rodgers); processes of catalysing indigenous Leadership and theologising styles.

Theory of Citywide Networking: Partnerships (Butler, Garvin) and networking in bringing about citywide spiritual and social change (Grigg), are examined in case studies of the latest developments in bringing about unity and prayer movements in global cities. Examination of theory and models from multiple cities of the mobilisation of citywide prayer and of ethnic reconciliation processes (Dawson). Spiritual Leadership is in the context of cities and spiritual powers (Silvoso, Murphy).

(Or, depending on course facilitators expertise, theory of movement multiplication following DAWN processes).


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