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Some Books by Incarnational Workers in the Slums

Barker, A. (2014). Risky Compassion. Melbourne: ISUM.

Barker, A. (2009). Make Poverty Personal: Taking the Poor as Seriously as the Bible Does: Baker Books.

Bessenecker, S. (2005). Quest for Hope in the Slum Community. Waynesborough, GA: Authentic.

Bessenecker, S. (2006). The New Friars: The Emerging Movement Serving the World's Poor. Downers Grove, IL: IVP.

Bessenecker, S. (2005). Quest for Hope in the Slum Community. Waynesborough, GA: Authentic.

Bessenecker, S. (Ed.) (2010). Living Mission: The Vision and Voices of New Friars. Downers Grove, WI: Intervarsity Press.

Craig, J. (1998). Servants Among the Poor. Manila: OMF Publishers.

Duncan, M. (1990). A Journey in Development. Melboume: World Vision.

Duncan, M. (1996). Costly Mission: Following Christ into the Slums. Monrovia: MARC.

Greenfield, C. (2007). The Urban Halo: A Story of Hope for Orphans of the Poor. London: Authentic.

Greenfield, C. (2016). Subversive Jesus: An Adventure in Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness in a Broken World: Zondervan.

Jack, K. (2010). The Sound of World's Colliding. Phnom Phen: Hawaii Printing House.

Hayes, J. (2006). Sub-merge. Ventura: Regal.

Smith, A. (2012). Living in the Neighbourhood. Pomona: Servant Partners.

Vos, J. (c1995). Breaking Down the Walls. South Africa: Thummin Printing.

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