Churchplanting Leadership

Learning Objectives

After this unit students:

  • Can identify the differences between a mindset and styles of developing a ministry vs. initiating a movement.
  • Are able to conceptualise indigenous, apostolic and incarnational missional structures among the urban poor
  • Can critically apply church growth principles for multiplication of preaching points, cell churches, daughter churches.
  • Have designed a plan to accomplish the goals, utilise the methodology and measure the outcomes with a cluster of slum leaders in multiplying the Grassroots Churchplanter's course.


    Smith, S. and Y. Kai (2011). TNT: A Discipleship ReRevolution. P.O. Box 1884, Monument, CO 80132, Wigtake Resources. (Kindle $9.99)
    Addison, S. (2011). Movements that Change the World. Downers Grove, IVP. (Kindle $9.99)

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