Home Abstract Table of Contents 1 Research Structure 2.Transform'l Convers'n 3. Literature Review Pt 2: Transf've Revival 4. Auckland Church 5. NZ Revival 6. Nature of Revival 7.Enraged Engagem't 8.Transf'tive Revival 9. Prophetic Roles 10.Apostolic Structures 11.Auckland Business Part 3:Revival Goals 12. City of God 13.Soul of Auckland 14. Postmodernity 15.Kingdom&Postmod'ty Conclusion Works Cited

Part 2: Faith Community Conversation:
Transformative Revival

The basis for Pentecostal social thinking and action spring from a transforming experience, an empowerment derived from an intense, transcendent sense of the divine presence (Petersen, 1996:187).

In Part 1, I described an urban missiology hermeneutic that integrates contextual analysis, theological reflection and missional praxis. Part 2 focuses on the faith community conversation about theological and strategic processes of transformative revival.

Fig 4: Chapters in Part 2: Faith Community Conversation On Transformative Revival

Text Box: ÊExpansion of the Pneumatological
                        Conversation on Transformative Revival


Text Box: Transformational Conversation



Fig. 4: The pneumatological conversation (#2 of the research model), involves Context: Chapter 4 examines the church in Auckland as the cradle of revival. Chapter 5 and Chapter 7 examine NZ wide revival and engagement. Theology: Chapter 6 develops the theme of revival. Integration: Chapter 8 integrates these reflections into a theory of transformative revival. Theology: Chapter 9 expands prophetic elements of revival. Missional Praxis: Apostolic engagement is examined in Chapter 10 and 11 of the transformational conversation.