Course Outcomes

This module establisheds the framework for the MA in Transformational Urban Leadership, linking Through this introductory module you should:

Experience changes in understanding:

1.  Kingdom Theology: Expand a very spiritual understanding of the gospel of salvation to understand the whole gospel of the Kingdom of God as it changes the spiritual, economic, social and justice areas of slum life.

2.  Processes of Organic Emergence of Poor People's Churches: Understand where your church is at in the Four Seasons of Growth of churchplanting among the urban poor.

3.  Coaching: Understand the processes of team building and coaching and know the content of each module on the topics chart.

4.  Holistic Church Growth: Understand how holistic interventions in slum schools, cooperatives, small business, ministering to AIDS/HIV and community development expand the Kingdom and relate to each of the Four Seasons of Growth.


1.  A training plan for coaching to achieve the action outcomes for grass roots church planters and deacons/deaconesses.

a.       Identify 4-8 Candidates

b.      Develop an initial plan for each season of growth and evangelism phase identifying at which phase your intern/Candidates are functioning.

c.       A plan for taking the congregation through discussions for expanding the Kingdom of God into the community in each of the four areas of spiritual, physical, social and wisdom (family/ political) areas.

d.      An initial pattern of stories to utilize for each season of growth.

2.  Become familiar with the manual, the two books on churchplanting among the poor, the Church planting CD (for those with computers) and where to access other resources.

3. Enhance your own character development by developing a personal profile of yourselves to evaluate your role within the formation of new faith comunities: a coach? a lead church planter? a deacon?, a servant-administrator? some other role?


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