[Company Logo Image] 12.Finale

Go Up One Level 1.Introduction 2.Urban Spirituality 3.Slum Theology 4.Slum Context 5.Evangelism 6.Discipleship 7.Church Growth 8.Leadership 9.Commun'y Transf'n 10. Advocacy 11.Mission Structure 12.Finale Readings & Videos Trainers Resources 


1. Final Challenge: POOR WISE MAN
    a. POOR WISE MAN (power-point)
  b. Readings: FINALE
For the MA Course: FINAL EXAM

3.  For Consultation or Grassroots Training or MA:     EVALUATION OF TRAINING
COURSE CERTIFICATE (to be modified for each course)


Trainees will integrate themes from the course through internalising the story of the poor wise man, and through writing both a theology of the Kingdom of God and its relationship to urban poverty and diagramming the relationship of the Kingdom of God and the four seasons of growth.


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Vision for Future
Poor Wise Man
Poor Wise Man(ppt)
Final Exam
Training Evaluation
6 Month Evaluation
Training Days


© Viv Grigg & Urban Leadership Foundationand other materials © by various contributors & Urban Leadership Foundation,  for The Encarnacao Training Commission.  Last modified: July 2010