[Company Logo Image] Bangkok prostitution

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From: Jim Larson
A few weeks ago we called Kay to wish her a happy seventeenth birthday. Kay is a girl we met last summer in Bangkok, who came to Jesus and was able with some sponsorship to get out of prostitution. Hearing her soft, shy but happy voice in broken English on the phone was enough to put us on a plane the next day, if that were possible-not only to see her, but to get started in the hunt for more Kay's.

It hasn't been a completely smooth road. Her father was upset about her leaving the big money that comes with prostitution, and put serious pressure on her to go back. In late November he took her to Bangkok and put her to work on a construction site. For $8.50 a day, she had to carry heavy buckets of cement in the hot sun. Her father took all of her wages, and kept reminding her that she could go back to the easy life of bar work.

Kay was steadfast. Finally her father pressured her so much that she finally returned to Buri Ram, to the orphanage run by Roger and Phong Walker who had been taking care of her. Kay's father called several times, upset, but finally left the family. The Walkers report that Kay is a great help at the orphanage caring for the younger children, who all love her dearly.

Such strong family pressure points to the real purpose of the ministry we are developing, Women of the Well. It is not only about reaching women, but also the families who would sell their daughters to meet their own addictive needs. Recently Anna and I watched a video on the impact of the sex trade on very poor northern hill tribes in Thailand. One father said he had too many children, but because he didn't want to sell any animals, sent his daughter to earn money for the family. Another heroin-addicted father spoke very casually of selling his daughter to support his habit. She died in a Bangkok brothel.

Please consider partnering with us in this great need and opportunity. We have set a tentative date of July 17 to head to move to Bangkok. Our monthly support commitments so far are at about $1700-not a bad start, but we're praying for $5,500 for Women of the Well overall to cover significant ministry expenses beyond our personal support.

Other notes:
  • On Saturday Jim and Anna are heading to Bangkok as part of a team of seven. Jimi Allen, the photographer who did our cool prayer card, and his roommate Benjie, a freelance journalist, will be going to work on a story, "What is a Woman Worth?" They are trying to pitch the story to some magazines, but are going on faith at this point. For Anna, who turns 18 on February 7, the trip will be an opportunity to examine God's call on her life.

  • Carol Fujii, a missionary friend in Bangkok who has offered to help with Women of the Well, arranged for Jim to share the vision in two key churches in Bangkok on Feb. 29 and March 7. This is very exciting, given our goal to encourage and equip churches to reach out to prostitutes and their families.

  • A few people have expressed interest in hosting us for a gathering to share our vision with interested friends. We still have plenty of openings, and would like to fill our calendar in March, April and May. This vision is far, far bigger than us, and we are praying for people who will help to spread the word and find new people to pray, give or go. If each of our supporters could find one new person, that would be tremendous.

Thank you for praying for and supporting us.

By His grace,
Jim for Team Larson

© Viv Grigg & Urban Leadership Foundationand other materials © by various contributors & Urban Leadership Foundation,  for The Encarnacao Training Commission.  Last modified: July 2010