How Shall We Develop a Theory of Movement Leadership?

In John 15:16 Jesus tells us that he has apponted us to go and bear fruit and that theat fruit should abide. Thus as we minister we find the seeds multiplying. If we plant good seed it keeps multiplying. If the seed is not good movements do not grow from it.

As we get older, we thus find ourselves managing and leading many thousands of people, many ministries. How do we understand the dynamics of such Leadership, its principles, its skills. What are the Biblical frameworks we can apply to such processes.

The Models of Movement Leadership

Jesus is our model of an apostolic leader. He is our model of a revival movement leader He is our model of an urban poor movement leader. the derivative effects of his teaching has transformed the social, economic, political world.

However, we understand more about a leader of societal reform by lookng at Nehemiah or Moses, or Ghandi or Mandela.

The Qualities of Movement Leaders

Thus by starting with models we tend to look at charisma, gifting, trainng, calling, capacity, with an emphasis on the personal characteristics of the leader. Biblically we can begin with the five gifts of Eph 4:11, 12 plus that of a deacon(ess) and multiple character qualities required of leaders in the scriptures. Anthropoloically tehre are significant studies on charisma and authority.

Definition of Leadership

But is Leadership about the person or about the impact of the person, the capacity to mobilise, to multiply ideas, people, spiritual power, power... Thus we need to define what is Leadership.

The Context of Leadership

Are leaders defined by who they are or by who their followers are? And does the context and culture of the time determine the leader? Thus we need to look at the seven ages of a leaders life, along with the tribal-urban- global contextual dynamics of Leadership. And how does it change over the life of a movement, over time. Thus we utilise the stories of multiple leaders and map on timelines.

Theories of Leadership

Within this framework of quality, capacity to cause groups of people to coalesce around a dream and a timeline, there are miultiple principles that define Leadership dynamics.

To do this, it is helpful to examine existing movement Leadership theories in the arenas of apostolic movements, social movements, the movement of ideas, missional structures. There are also anthropological theories that inform such discussion: the ideas of insider-otsider roles, symbolic actions, the bridges of God, cultural interpretation...

Movement Leadership Principles

Apart from principles there are specific skills at broader movement Leadership levels that must be learned - different to early level Leadership skills. Among them are ability to changebetween various Leadership styles, coalition building, networking, community organisation processes, and administrative capacity building. These are built on solid management skills, which are covered in teh organizational Leadership course.