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Developing a Story for the Class


Your Name ______________________ Date: __________, 200_

Most of us are preachers.  But this is a consultation.  In consultations we come to listen to each other as peers, then exchange ideas until we form a consensus.  For this reason, some people will give stories on the topics of the training.  But each is limited to ten minutes to share one story that is most significant to them, rather than an hour to preach.     


1. Look at the Timetable/Topics for this consultation and decide which topic is the one where you have most experience or special experience.  Write that topic here._______________________

2. Tell a story that you love to hear about that area of expertise, to the person sitting next to you, in the next three minutes.

2. Write down a brief outline of the story! ____________________            __________________________________________________________________________








  1. What was the goal/purpose of your story?





      4. Does your story convey a truth?                                         Yes/No?

      What is the truth? Can you express it as a proverb?___________      __________________________________________________________________________




      5. What values does your story explain/convey? Is there a scripture passage it reflects?     __________________________________________________________________________




      6. What decisions can your listeners make as a result of hearing your story?      __________________________________________________________________________




Pass this sheet in to the training coordinator.  Since we have many people we will need to select a few to share on key topics.

© Viv Grigg, other materials © by various contributors & Urban Leadership Foundation,   Last modified: April 2007