Testimony 2: Hyderabad Churchplanting Processes


  1. We began with fasting prayer. We asked for place for free or rent and put up church.
  2. Evangelical team went to preach and give handbills.
  3. Three monthly we do a crusade.
  4. After some conversions we find materials and start a church in that place.
  5. After 5-10 Rupees we will put a pastor in that church


There are so many problems.  When we preach the gospel if anything happens they will go from the church.  Only if we give them something they will come back. Many cannot stand the holiness, they will get back to their old life, because of their friends. But if any truly accept the Lord Jesus Christ truly, they will cooperate with us.

Testimony 3: Kalinaga

Kalinaga is with 50,000 people and 70 pastors.  We have a pastors' fellowship.  Slum pastors training to equip them, to multiply the social work and religious work, with seminars and motivational class is happening.  Every Diwali, we are making family retreat.  We try to motivate the family, how to be a good model, how to be a good father, teaching to equip them.  Alsowe have family counsellors.

In villages we will do street preaching and give an altar call.  We were challenged, "if you can heal this death and dumb girl and you can preach".  After that, we were called to start a church - now 75 people are gathering.  In another place, we prayed for the health of an old woman and after that she got healed.  If there is a church we will work with them.  If not we will start a church.

The main church was started in a rental place, then vacated to a place with a lease. We bought that land for the church through a miracle.  We needed to pay 3 lakhs.  We prayed. Two ladies came then and gave 1 lakh.  Then he asked for 2 lakhs. A lady gave 1 lakh.  Then the seller reduced it to 2 1/2 lakh. Then 15 days before the final deadline, a man and his wife came and give. Then we had to register it, with 74,000 Rs, but it got reduced to 33,000 which God provided.  More than 150 workers gather there, with three branches under me, two services, and ten cell groups and supporting widows and orphans.

Everybody was dependent on me. So we developed cell groups of Christians and non-believers, lead by assistant and leader using cell group materials.
